Saturday, January 23, 2010

PX No.334

PX No.334
Originally uploaded by lancephoto

PX No.334 (SLR No.48)
Bauhaus relationship with red, gold, black & white.

The double doors in the warm "recovery" room / café at the Brugge Snow & Ice Sculpture Festival 2009.

CAMERA: Polaroid SX-70 SLR 680SE
FILM: Polaroid 779 (expired 6/2009)
"Share the Love 1" from PolaPremium.
DATE: 12/5/2009

LEFT: in the Waterloo Shopping Center near Passage Wellington on 1/23/10.
For more info, click the photo below.

Friday, January 8, 2010

PX No.337

PX No.337
Originally uploaded by lancephoto

PX No.337 (EZ No.74)
This is another blank frame from my blue Electric Zip camera. I was pretty annoyed when these cameras kept giving me about one blank shot almost every pack, especially with film like this Polaroid 84 which cost me about $25 per pack of 10 shots. But ever since I started drawing on my blank shots (and now on some of the good shots) I'm actually a little excited when I get a blank one. This was (surprisingly) my first deStijl drawing on a Polaroid, using metallic markers of silver and gold. The original shot was supposed to be of an Art Nouveau building in Maubeuge, France (see SLR No.53 and EZ No.75). After it misfired and gave me a blank frame, I drew on it while sitting at the café in Leonida's Chocolate shop in Mons, Belgium on 12/23/09.

CAMERA: Polaroid Electric Zip (blue) c.1976
FILM: Polaroid 84 B&W ISO 100 (expired 1/2007)
DATE SHOT: 12/11/09
DATE DRAWN: 12/23/09

LEFT: next to a Mondrian Painting (Composition No.1 with Grey and Red 1938) at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice, Italy on 12/28/09. Click the image below to see where it was left.

FOUND!!! on 12/29/09
Hi Lance

I have found your polaroid on my desk in my office…such a weird thing...I have asked around but nobody knew nothing about this picture and the way it came into my office.

I work as registrar here at the Peggy Guggenheim Collection by the way…maybe a visitor has found it in the garden and given it to a guardian that has brought it in my office…he might have thought the photo could be of my interest….I don’t know.
Tell me about the story of this polaroid (no.337). Ok?
Thank you

Click this picture to see exactly where it was left:
PX No.337 left

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

PX No.339

PX No.339
Originally uploaded by lancephoto

PX No.339 (SLR No.54)
A very cool little chapel at the intersection of Route de Villers and Route de Mons in Bettignies, France.

CAMERA: Polaroid SX-70 SLR 680SE
with reversed telephoto attachment lens for "fisheye" effect
FILM: Polaroid 779 expired-6/2009
(Share the Love I from PolaPremium)
DATE: 12/11/09

LEFT: on 1/1/2010
in Venice, Italy just under a Shepard Fairey painting of the Obey Giant in a parking lot near the Magazzini Ligabue in Dorsoduro.
See Where it was left:
PX No.339 left

FOUND! on the same day: 1/1/10
"Hi !
I'm Benjamin, i'm an Architecture student, and i live in Venice.
Yesterday , the 01/01/10 i have found one of your photos , the N° 339 under the Obey the giant big red face, near the Magazzini Ligabue, here in Venice.
It was really good! a sort of treasure.
Go on ! Best wishes.
Bye bye , Ben"