Monday, August 24, 2009

PX No.62

PX No.62 (OC No.2)
CAMERA: Polaroid One-Step Close-Up
FILM: Polaroid 600

DATE: 5/20/08
LOCATION: Zeldas Cafe and Deli 1239 E.Kennedy Blvd, Tampa, Florida

Just my second shot with the One-Step Close-Up, It shows three orange, traffic cones against a wall just outside this great Caribbean restaurant between the outdoor seating area and the Gas Station next door. - Shot this while waiting for my lunch after a staff meeting at the Times' Tampa bureau.
LEFT: HERE by friend and fellow artist Tanya Antonio in January 2009 in London, England inside one of the capsules of The London Eye.

FOUND: in early 2009 By Nicky Brandon
"I found one of your polaroid's, No.62 in a capsule on the London Eye, I work for the London Eye and was doing a check of the capsule!
I don't know if you left it there or someone else did but I'm intrigued to find out! I found it under one of the benches they have in the capsules but again I could'nt tell you the number of the capsule i'm afraid, we do really quick checks on every capsule as it goes past so I literally grabbed it out of the capsule before it was loaded again! It nearly went in the bin, but then i looked at it properly and was curious, so i hung on to it! 
I found it quite a while ago and kept meaning to check it out, however time ran away with me and I forgot all about it, and it has been sitting in my room for a while now, I found it today and have finally got round to finding out what its all about!!!  I think its a really great idea, and have enjoyed reading your blogs about all the photos!
Glad to be a part of it!!"


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

PX No.154

PX No.154 (M5 No.3)
CAMERA: Polaroid M5 Medical Macro Camera
FILM: Polaroid Spectra

DATE: 2/23/08
LOCATION: Front Porch, Hudson, Florida
Trying out the new M5 Medical Macro camera I'd bought on eBay (for about $50 including 5 good packs of Spectra). I shot a few close-ups of the small roses blooming in our front garden.

LEFT: on 7/20/09 in the Grand Canal of Venice, Italy just North of the Piazza San Marco. Set it on the steps and watched the waves take it and carry it away.


Saturday, August 15, 2009

PX No.89

PX No.89 (CP No.22)
CAMERA: Polaroid ColorPack II
FILM: Polaroid 672 B&W ASA 400

DATE: 6/18/08
LOCATION: Science Building - Florida Southern College, Lakeland

Black & White relationship of elements of the Frank Lloyd Wright Architecture in the Science Building on the campus of Florida Southern College in Lakeland on 6/18/08

LEFT: on 7/19/09 in Venice, Italy in the Norway (Nordic Countries) Pavilion in a book of Polaroid photographs by Oslo artist: Thora Dolven Balke. It was obvious that so many people had been turning the pages of the book and some of her wonderful pictures were even missing. I don't know whether they'd just fallen out or if people had stolen them. One page in particular had no pictures on it at all so that's where I left this picture, photographed it, then closed the book and left.


Tuesday, August 11, 2009

PX No.121

PX No.121 (SX No.114)
CAMERA: Polaroid SX-70 Alpha 1 SE
FILM: Polaroid 600 (expired)

DATE: 10/12/08
LOCATION: Miami-Dade College Medical Campus.

Relationship with 4 orange squares. This is a sign giving directions to different locations on the campus. Shot while I was there working on a story about refugee doctors.

LEFT: On 8/9/09 in my room (209) at CHU Ambrose Paré Hospital in Mons, Belgium. Just under the shelf where Linda's placed our fan (no AC) which I could see from my bed as I recovered from surgery.
CROSSED WITH: PX No.227 which was shot there.
