Wednesday, October 28, 2009

PX No. 97

PX No. 97
Originally uploaded by lancephoto

Hibiscus flower in my front yard in Hudson, Florida. Shot with my SX-70 Alpha I SE on 600 film. Picturecrossing No. 97 (SX No.37) - Shot on 7/5/08.

LEFT: on 7/19/09 on a Vaporetto in Venice, Italy between the San Marco and San Zaccaria stops.

PX No.97 (left)

PX No.261

PX No.261
Originally uploaded by lancephoto

PX No.261 (M5 No.13)
CAMERA: Polaroid M5
FILM: Polaroid Spectra expired 2007
DATE: 10/4/09
Drawn on 10/22/09

My Star Wars' R2-D2 figurine.

LEFT: 10/24/09 at Musée du Louvre in Paris, France in the same room as La Giaconda or Mona Lisa, just on a window sill over a bench.

See where it was left:
PX No.261 (left)

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

PX No.189

PX No.189
Originally uploaded by lancephoto

PX No.189
(CP No.85)
CAMERA: Polaroid ColorPack II
FILM: Fuji FP 100C
Date: 7/8/09

Hotel de Ville in the Grand Place, Mons, Belgium.

LEFT ON: 7/19/09 on a ledge just outside the Comando Provinciale Vigili del Fuoco Saserma Centrale in Venice, Italy.

See where this was left:

PX No.189L

PX No.205

PX No.205
Originally uploaded by lancephoto

PX No.205
(SX No.211)
CAMERA: SX-70 Alpha 1 SE
FILM: 779 "Share the Love" (exp. 6/2009)
Date: 7/20/09
During la Biennale di Venezia 2009, this image is of an installation in the China Pavilion by artist He Sen "The World of Taiji" showing dozens of framed canvasses with a single color of paint and very light engravings which are almost imperceptible. Arsenale - Venice, Italy.

LEFT ON: 8/17/09 on red door outside Ambroise Paré Hospital in Mons, Belgium.

PX No.205L

SEE PX. No 192 which this was crossed with:
PX No.192

PX No.270 "Elmer Fudd <3s Pikachu"

PX No.270 "Elmer Fudd
Originally uploaded by lancephoto

PX No. 270 "Elmer Fudd <3s Pikachu"
(SX No. 250)
CAMERA: Polaroid SX-70 Alpha 1 SE
FILM: Polaroid 600 (expired 8/2009)
DATE SHOT: 10/4/09
DATE DRAWN: 10/9/09

Another of the shots from the figurine booth in the Mons Street Market. This is the first Polaroid I've used markers to draw on. I really like the result and will work more on this technique. Even though this film just expired 2 months ago it is already showing signs of deterioration. I like the undeveloped spot at the top and the pink swath down the center, but I wonder how this bodes for the dozens of other packs I have with this expiration date?

This was left on 10/10/09 in the Museé d'Orsay in Paris. (ha - my first exhibition at the Orsay!) (SEE MY COMMENT BELOW)

Click this photo to see where it was left:
PX No.270 left

PX No.224

PX No.224
Originally uploaded by lancephoto

PX No.224 (IG No.9)
Camera: Polaroid Impulse (Green)
Film: Polaroid 600 Copy & Fax
(Expired 11/99)
DATE: 8/2/09
Architectural elements outside the Beaux Arts Mons gallery in Mons, Belgium. - These prints look completely black when they come out of the camera and develop very slowly into the low contrast image you see in the background. (I've got the camera set almost all the way to "lighten") Then about 30 minutes later these "bubbles" begin to appear and become harder over the hour or so. The slight orange shift you see is there indeed.

LEFT: This picture was left on 10/10/09 on the structural elements of a walkway on the 5th floor of the Museé d'Orsay in Paris.

Click the photo to see where it was left:
PX No.224 left

PX No.277

PX No.108

PX No.108
Originally uploaded by lancephoto

PX No.108

PX No. 108 (FSX No.44)
CAMERA: Freitag Edition SX-70 (with filter)
FILM: Polaroid 600
DATE: 7/22/08

deStijl relationship with yellow, green and purple. Shot at "Spinnations" skating rink in Port Richey.

LEFT on 10/10/2009 on a wall just across from the entrance to Musée d'Orsay in Paris.
to be CROSSED with: PX No.279 shot there that same day.

PX No.279

Click this picture to see where it was left:
PX No.108 left

PX No.260

PX No.260
Originally uploaded by lancephoto

PX No.260 (EZ No.50)
CAMERA: Polaroid Electric Zip (red)
FILM: Polaroid 88 (expired 1/2002)
DATE: 10/2/09

Relationship with vented glass bricks in the bathroom of la Livre de Café in Mons, Belgium.

LEFT HERE: on 10/10/09
PX No.260 (left)

PX No.276