Saturday, March 26, 2011

PX No.136

PX No.136
Originally uploaded by LANCEPHOTO

picturecrossing No.136 (SX No.162)
urban deStijl relationship with electrical box, pipes and vent outside BayWalk in St. Petersburg, Florida.

CAMERA: Polaroid SX-70 Alpha 1 SE
FILM: Polaroid 779 (expired 2005)
DATE SHOT: 12/31/2008

CLICK HERE to see my Google Map of where this picture was shot.

LEFT: picturecrossing No.136 was left on 12/2/2010 on a small metal door in the wall along Józefa in Kazimierz - Krakow, Poland.
Click this picture to see where I left it.
PX No.136  (left in Krakow)

or CLICK HERE to see my Google Map of where it was left.

"Hi i'm Coralie, french girl but i live in Berlin and i was travelling in Krakow abnd ihave found your photo in december 2010. It's the photo n°136 and she was in Kazimierz in Krakow.
Your project is super. I love it !
Can you give more informations about this photos please ? Do you made more polaroid in Berlin ?
one more time, your project is very fine :)
Bye and " liebe Grüsse aus Berlin"

Saturday, March 12, 2011

PX No.484

PX No.484
Originally uploaded by LANCEPHOTO

picturecrossing No.484 (CP No.300)

A skyscraper in Downtown Tampa, Florida as seen over the Hillsborough River from the University of Tampa campus.
CLICK HERE to see a Google Map of where this was shot.

CAMERA: Polaroid ColorPack II
FILM: Polaroid 689 (expired 12/2003)
DATE: 6/16/10

LEFT: In Paris on 2/21/11 in the Belleville Metro Station between two wall maps.
See where it was left:
PX-484 (left in Paris)

FOUND: By Clémence Pène on the same day it was left:
"Hey Lance, I found n°484 at metro Belleville yesterday and loved it, but left it on the wall for other people..."

PX No.469

PX No.469
Originally uploaded by LANCEPHOTO

PX No.469 (MP NO.15)

This is a diptych showing a cool door of street art stickers (including a yOuKfOu Labeauratoire fish that I posted) just off the Grand Place in Brussels. The left frame is blank due to operator error.
I drew a seeping deStijl-ish design on it.
Click Here to see a Google Map of where it was shot.

CAMERA: Polaroid MiniPortrait Model 203
FILM: Polaroid 667 ISO 3000 (expired 2003)
DATE: 5/22/10

LEFT: This picture was left on 12/31/10 in Berlin on a derelict building which was covered in street art stickers and ad posters, along Augustraße across the street from the K-W Institute.
see where it was left:
PX No.469 (left in Berlin)

FOUND: (two months later) - 2/20/11
"Hi, My name is David & I found the 469 one in Berlin last Sunday (near the KW).
I live in Paris. Your concept is excellent_carry on