PX No.399
Originally uploaded by L.Å.R. PX No.399 (SLR No.81)
FILM: Polaroid 600 (expired 9/2009)
DATE: 3/24/10
LOCATION: a friend's home in Braine-le-comte, Belgium.
LEFT: PX No.399 was left 5/22/10 in the women's bathroom here at L'Express, a Lebanese restaurant in Brussels, Belgium. (Rue des Chapeliers 8)
FOUND! 5/30/10 by Ana (see below)
See where it was left:
FOUND! 5/30/10 by Ana who writes:
I've found one of your pictures in the toilet of a Lebanese resto, close to Grand Place! :p I don't really remember the number (I had nothing to note it down at the time :p), but I think it was 329.... It was the picture of either a bungalow or a cottage.
I left it there. Hope someone else also finds it and plays the game.
I'm a book crosser myself, and I also used to participate in postcard crossing. So I've found your project really interesting. Hope it's giving you feedback and that it helps your artistic carrer.
It was a great place to "hide" it. I just saw it yesterday, so it must still be there! :D
Good luck